In April 2013 I had the pleasure of speaking on User Experience at the for the WordPress Geneva group. The presentation covers some universal principles and design patterns of User Experience (UX) Design, and provides information on how to implement them using the WordPress platform. I received really positive feedback on the presentation, and would like to thank everyone […]
Website Design & Build for Arbutus Cove Construction
In order to build trust with potential clients Arbutus Cove Construction made it a priority to showcase the scale and quality of projects they had completed for previous clients. The result is a website showing their work through a selection of tools including flash sliders, 360 degree virtual tours, youtube videos and impressive photographs. Portfolios […]
WordCamp Victoria: Easy User Experience Improvements For Your WordPress Site
From the beginning I was attracted to WordPress as a platform for development not only for it’s ease of use but also for the grassroots community that surrounded it. I attended WordCamp Victoria in January of 2011 and was glad to be able to contribute to the 2012 edition with easy ways to improve […]